Economic Development Resources

Plainview / Hale County Economic Development Corporation logo

Plainview / Hale County Economic Development Corporation

The purpose of the Plainview/Hale County Economic Development Corporation is to promote economic development in Plainview and Hale County.

The Plainview/Hale County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has been successful in creating over 5000 jobs in less than 15 years. Their success has come as a result of a partnership between the EDC, City of Plainview, County of Hale, and the Plainview Chamber of Commerce. The entire community promotes economic development, and that teamwork has been responsible for most of the major industries locating in Plainview and Hale County. The EDC is financed by memberships of local businesses and through contracts for economic development services from the City of Plainview and Hale County.

Lubbock Economic Development Alliance

The Lubbock Economic Development Alliance’s (LEDA) mission is to promote economic growth by creating high-quality jobs, investing in new capital improvements and improving Lubbock’s quality of life. LEDA accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations and individuals across the region, state, and nation that help to provide organizations a business-friendly environment and a skilled, qualified workforce.

South Plains Association of Governments

SPAG established a regional economic development program in 1981. The department has focused on job creation by incorporating elements of planning, financing, marketing, training, and technical assistance (for grant writing services, visit the Regional Services page).

The High Ground of Texas

The High Ground of Texas is a marketing coalition made up of over 75 members with economic development interests in the region. Developed in 1988, the High Ground represents cities, counties and organizations in the West Texas region. The main purpose of the High Ground is to create jobs and increase the tax base of the region. We continue to have a strong presence on the regional, state, and national level with an emphasis on marketing the region to prospective new industries, networking, economic development, education, and providing a common voice on issues that affect the region.

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